What is I.H.I.P.? It stands for INDIVIDUALIZED HOME INSTRUCTION PLAN. This is the document which is supposed to be written out for the state to accept your home-schooling life. This document contains the child's (or student's) subjects, curriculum, and syllabus. I think we all know what is the definition of "subject". It's the general word describing the thing/object of interest. What's our subject? It could be reading, writing, arithmetic, health, geography, etc. But what is curriculum? And syllabus? cur·ric·u·lum [kəˈrikyələm] NOUN the subjects comprising a course of study in a school or college. synonyms: syllabus · course of study/studies · program of study/studies · educational program · subjects · modules · timetable · schedule syl·la·bus [ˈsiləbəs] NOUN an outline of the subjects in a course of study or teaching. "there isn't time to cover the syllabus...