
School Field Trip to President FDR museum We wrapped-up the School year with a Grand finale

Zenairoh Keyboa Our Home-School Field Trip to President FDR museum, Library, and Estate in Hyde Park, NY state.  What a wealth of knowledge and experience we gained! Tasciotti at FDR

homeschool field trip to natural Creek

  Here is our recent homeschool field trip pictures. This shows the home school children at a natural Creek and the wilderness. This is a arajah and Zenairoh keyboa.

Another Homeschooling website we like

Here is a website worth mentioning (and there are so many, which we will be adding to this blog as time permits)  It is

What is I.H.I.P.?

What is I.H.I.P.?  It stands for INDIVIDUALIZED HOME INSTRUCTION PLAN. This is the document which is supposed to be written out for the state to accept your home-schooling life.  This document contains the child's (or student's) subjects, curriculum, and syllabus. I think we all know what is the definition of "subject".  It's the general word describing the thing/object of interest. What's our subject?  It could be reading, writing, arithmetic, health, geography, etc. But what is curriculum?  And syllabus? cur·ric·u·lum [kəˈrikyələm] NOUN the subjects comprising a course of study in a school or college. synonyms: syllabus · course of study/studies · program of study/studies · educational program · subjects · modules · timetable · schedule   syl·la·bus [ˈsiləbəs] NOUN an outline of the subjects in a course of study or teaching. "there isn't time to cover the syllabus...

Local Libraries 🌐 Homeschool Resource

We love nature and we also LOVE libraries! Libraries are possibly one of the best things everytown has going on that is free and fun. Parents can relax and focus in a quiet place while children can discover and learn from books, educational toys, and learning computers. We use computer time as a reward after other school work is accomplished. We monitor the games they play and make sure they are appropriate for them. Libraries are a great resource for every homeschooler parent and child! We always show great support to our local libraries. 

Learning is Fun and We Establish Good Communication 🌐 Homeschool

Making learning fun and keeping it real. We approach our children’s learning with care to pay attention to where their interests are. We encourage a lot of book reading and make time to read with our children even as they grow older. Time spent is bonding for parent and child and is important. To maintain connection points of interest as our children grow up. Many teenage parents speak about teens not discussing much but I believe that when you homeschool and learn together you establish important key factors in communication that serve for our entire lives. Why not maintain connection instead of falling into a separation pattern that mainstream society has created and suffers greatly in the flaws of those systems not nourishing the family roots of bonding and happiness. We have realized, as a family, that all things are solvable through communication and time well meditated. Let kids choose through books to show you where their interest are. Use books as ways to discuss and en...

Video about Homeschool I found interesting

Video about homeschooling which I found very interesting, recently posted on youtube

A View of some of the Notebooks

Hello students and teachers   Home-School notebooks of Civilogy The children do use a lot of paper in their notebooks and artbooks.  This is a home-school which uses paper.  Going back to the paper.  Not so much about the electronic screens in the class, for the lessons.  Not so much of that computer dependency. But as you can see we have a website, we still use that technology - in balance with Nature. These are some comics/cartoons we are working on, its a rough draft. This shows the Principal's background-experience Peter Tasciotti was working on the United Nations online, he was a longtime member of the project: Tasciotti and oldest son, in Washington DC

Field Trip to Nature Center 🌐 Homeschool

Field trips are fun! A great way to read and see about new things and satisfy our sense for adventure! We visited the Forsyth Nature Center in Kingston, NY. Here we read about the animals we viewed and were able to even pet a few! 

Elementary Math 🌐 Homeschooling

Making MATH fun! Yes it can be done! Let’s go outside and see how many things there are to count and divide and multiply. We share the things we have and we learn how math is everywhere!  I am always quick to spot the items in my kitchen for example to assist. Here we used muffin tins to multiply by six. We began with multiplying by ten and one then became more complicated. The kids loved multiplication so much they wanted to continue on working with numbers into the hundreds! Use what you have! Here we used tamarindo seeds which later we may use for crafting or planting. 

Family Unit 🌐 Homeschool

Okay Parents! Trust your instincts! Ask today what to teach and pass along. Let it unfold through a prayer, a ceremony, a song, a walk, a breathing meditation.  Throw out all the expectations cramping your flow and style. Shift and shake yourselves awake! We are not 9 to 5 zombies! We are loving earthlings here to be at peace with nature’s gifts and humanity awakened to see our days spent out of our most true value. How is your day divided? Did it serve you to fulfill health and happiness? Did it nurture you to the core and teach self mastery? Need some ideas to get flowing with? Stay posted as I help to design what a basic educational day can be like. Make it fun for you and for them. Remember the goal is always for the entire family unit to thrive.  A family garden. This is my first suggestion to all families looking to bond and educate. Gardening may be one flower or an altar that everyone takes care of, or a rock garden, or anything you wish to cultivate. You c...